Good fitness exercises

Here is a series of techniques of fitness exercises that would be routine and improve their results in the gym.

fitness exercises

Due to the intensity you need, we recommend that you use only a training technique.SuperseriesSon series double, in which two simple type (one for logs muscles agonists and antagonists) occur without a rest interval.

The Djarum are versatile, can them with each year, but the first sentence usually multiarticular.An example of chest Super Series. Attention is not normal super series while a series of super light / heavy: take warming, some twins, allowing only between 5 to 8 reps with inclined cufflinks. After completing this series and without rest, take some light weights (from 40 to 50 per cent of the weight used before) and a series of stringent openings on flat bench trying to 12 to 15 repetitions.

Position after 45 seconds. Repeat a total of 3 Djarum.Wiederholt, ForzadasSe, until the intervention of the couple performs slightly different complete series repeats can be a certain repetition.Series DescendentesSon loaded running bars with multiple small disks, in a way, to a certain level of exhaustion, where the couple will begin to download to make weight more reps, this is a tired most, prefer hypertrophy.

We take the maximum of possible reps with a given weight, pounds and make series endlessly, again on the charges and representatives to fail. This technique works best with free weights exercises easily and can also be helpful, if only every third workout, i.e., once a month. How it works: as soon as a warm-up, you are of 5 to 8 reps and go to your heavy series.

Allow the weight of 10% easiest, is to make 2-4 representatives; return to leave and take other weight, around the same time 10% lighter and test, repeated 2 to 4; Run a third 10% and retry times, from 2 to 4 Finally the increase of 50% of the weight and take all possible incidents.The basic factor of the series down time in the Middle as a, so the value of the project to minimize a sparring partner. Negative repetitions performed 5 to 6 reps where at the time of exhaustion, in the same series continues with the help of a partner who helps you that you weight and then Bajareis what 3-5 seconds.In addition, we recommend you do this, every three weeks and hurting with care not to itself.This technique is called slow repetitions and controlled fabrication from start to finish. This time, we use the biceps selected as a group of muscle and “Curl bench Scott” as an exercise.

Take a moderately loaded rod with a weight that allows you to do 10 repetitions. Keep deep and firm against the Bank supports, elbow and arm.

With the help of a colleague, who is in the front. Get the weight fully collapse the biceps, not to ask questions about the money 4 repeat for you. In the 5 to 8, your companion will be representatives from the weight up up and you need to go more slowly.Preagotamiento series: the goal is muscle worked for exercise at the same time or before the support muscles fatigue, that it will fail in connection.Used when muscular exercise different areas, with different voltage

First of that most important fitness exercises had involved a contraction of the muscles, so it is the antagonist to in its execution, weakening of muscles reach.They are most effective with large muscles such as the chest, shoulders and legs. For example spreads the crosses in pulley for the chest muscles, before Pres on flat bench, before the position squatting, etc… Please note that Low series to muscle fatigue may not much used much. Use this procedure if a GigantesConsisten MesSeries in the massive intervention in the same sector of the muscle with exercises 3 or more developed at the same time. Recoveries between series are very short (from 45 to 90 seconds), a recovery at the end of the cycle of the series for this ArdientesSe Muskelgruppe.Serie based on the principle according to which muscle does not work optimally during the course of the joint, but it is the real effort in a short critical region in the movement of the masses (*).

Then joint is the repetitions to exhaustion, with repetitions of angle more closed or open as the critic, which must not be exceeded.MuscularTiende of confusion that stimulate the same muscles with different exercises by changing the method default Bezugsebenen.Interessante for advanced bodybuilders, representatives imposed obstacles to overcome, not by other Methoden.ParcialesCuando can stricter representatives do the full tour, only a part of the movement as three quarters or the technical Halfte.verbindungselemente ParcialesEsta, at various points in the course of the exercise means that it requires to keep the muscles to a constant decline for some time a relatively light weight.

For example on the page would be: muscle failure in the series reached, lift the side weighs only about 10 inches and hold there between 5 and 10 seconds. Repeat to a large traffic jams after 15 seconds of rest, once or twice more.UPS 21Hay make 7 times fewer repeats, on average higher on average 7 times the repetition and full 7 repeat. (Try it in the biceps and get to know me)Method and dresses for a less expensive way of doing push ups 21. Below is shown with each repetition with the repetition of the media. The objective is to experience a maximum overload. For example biceps curl, slow and strict repetition of the media must be done after each repetition.Pausa.Supone rest area during a series of rest a few seconds more reps with the same weight in the new period of rest prior to arrival. This system can be reviewed, but the key is to choose the right weight to generate maximum profits.If you use this technique, you choose a weight you can do five reps strict. 2 or 3 3 15 to 20 minutes of rest, make other 2 and even a third test.

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